
Annette Agnello started writing in the tenth grade inspired by a wonderful teacher, and has been writing for publication over forty years. She started writing after she won a scholarship for a writing course from “Berean University.” Advocate Magazine, which held the contest, published her first article “Consider the Words of the Song”. Several years later she began writing poetry and had considerable success. She was regularly published in the first year of Faithwriters 500 e-magazine. She took some time away from writing due mainly to health issues fully supported by her loving husband Mario who is currently involved in a prison ministry while waiting for his minister’s licences to be awarded so he can become a full time evangelist.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Deb linked my first blog to her blog but I still can't get into it to add more. Indeed I ended up on this blog when I tried to get to post from there. That blog is lost to me after two posts. Ah what you can loose in the death of a hard drive. I liked that blog better, it was a nice green the current blog I made on my husband's computer and it was a pretty blue, on my repaired computer it is a depressing black I don't know how to change it as much as I would like to. Since you can't get there from here I'm going to copy those posts here, at the end of today's post.

I have started working through Creative Call and am doing the 20 minutes of freewriting in the journal to start the day before even the Bible reading and all that before praying the daily prayers with my husband. It was wonderful but I was sick today and don’t know how it will work out on a normal day.

Well here are the missing posts. Even though this is not totally a class blog it is me.

Annette's Ramblings
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Annette's Ramblings
Group Questions to Answer:
* Where were you born and raised?I was born in VA Baptist hospital, Lynchburg, Va and was raised in Appomattox, VA about 30 miles away* How long have you been a Christian? Since April 1, 1977* What is your religious background?My parrents raised me Baptist, but I accepted the Lord in a convernt garden where I friend had stuck me to keep me from commiting suciede, (as you can see since that nearly 30 years ago he stopped me) For some years I was Catholic then a tradigy I moved to another church, first a Pentchostal Holiness church and finally a nondemonatal church where I remained till I was married. I an now in an Assimblies of God church with my husband.* What artistic areas do you/have you practiced?I have volumes of sketchbooks, I have done knitting, crochet, tatting, needlepoint, cross stitch, beading Christmas orniments, and of course journals* What do you do for a living?I’m a homemaker, subistute teacher, and free-lance writer* What is your married status? Married* Do you have children? No* Pets? Two cats* Special hobbies or activities that are important to you? Writing mainly
* Tell about the best place you have ever visited?
Yalta, I went there on a mission trip and when we were on the balcony overlooking the Black Sea I was struck I was standing where the picture of Rosovelt, Lennin, and Churchill had been when they were at the Yalta confernece.
posted by WritesLots @ 3:53 PM 0 comments
I have just changed blogs so I can link with the blog on the study of “Creative Call” by Jan Elsheimer. I will also be using it for the Study on the Names of God as I did on my old blog. But from the looks of things I might be able to have separate places on my account for both topics, and perhaps some of my writing as well.
Annette C. Agnello
posted by WritesLots @ 9:54 AM 0 comments
About Me
Name:Annette Agnello Location:Virginia, United States


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