
Annette Agnello started writing in the tenth grade inspired by a wonderful teacher, and has been writing for publication over forty years. She started writing after she won a scholarship for a writing course from “Berean University.” Advocate Magazine, which held the contest, published her first article “Consider the Words of the Song”. Several years later she began writing poetry and had considerable success. She was regularly published in the first year of Faithwriters 500 e-magazine. She took some time away from writing due mainly to health issues fully supported by her loving husband Mario who is currently involved in a prison ministry while waiting for his minister’s licences to be awarded so he can become a full time evangelist.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Writing Before Dawn

I am learning a lot from the Creative Call Book. One of the things they suggested was journaling first thing in the morning. If anyonehad told me I would get up between 2:00 and 2:30 to write in my journal every day I would have said it would never happen. I would have laughed at the very idea of getting up that early, let alone liking it.

Now my day starts when I wake up between 2:00 and 2:30. The alarm rings at 2:30 but God usually gets me up earlier. I get a cup of tea to warm me up and get the creative juices flowing. With my steaming tea on my right side and the keyboard out of the way I pull out my paper journal, and write whatever is on my mind. I have written about the book Creative Call, and about my new shoes and what my civil war history professor had said about shoes of that period, I have written about many things.

After writing I start my Bible study with all the stray thoughts out of the way I start my Bible study. I was doing one kind of Bible study now I am doing another kindwith a friend. The new study takes more time so I have to stop midway through to have prayer time with my husband than fix his lunch and breakfast, we dine together than back to the Bible study. Only the journaling first is new but it is such a powerful freeing way to start the day.


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