
Annette Agnello started writing in the tenth grade inspired by a wonderful teacher, and has been writing for publication over forty years. She started writing after she won a scholarship for a writing course from “Berean University.” Advocate Magazine, which held the contest, published her first article “Consider the Words of the Song”. Several years later she began writing poetry and had considerable success. She was regularly published in the first year of Faithwriters 500 e-magazine. She took some time away from writing due mainly to health issues fully supported by her loving husband Mario who is currently involved in a prison ministry while waiting for his minister’s licences to be awarded so he can become a full time evangelist.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Chapter 3 Exercise 4: What I Need

This exercise was a list of what you need to begin practicing your art.

- I need time to read various books that I have been putting aside.

- I need time to write from ideas and prompts.

- I need courage to put what I write before others.

- I need confidence to believe what I write is worthy to be read and of the time it took to write it.

- I need to trust editors etc that accept or reject my work.

- I need the belief editors have my best interest in mind.

- I need the ability to withstand rejection.

- What I really need is days with as many waking hours as I have now and 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep between.10:30 PM and 2:15 AM. I’m pretty sure those extra four hours are not going to be added just for my wishing for them.

- The hours of sleep are worth sacrificing when I end up spending them journaling and doing a longer bible study than I had time for before.


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