Thoughts and drafts


Annette Agnello started writing in the tenth grade inspired by a wonderful teacher, and has been writing for publication over forty years. She started writing after she won a scholarship for a writing course from “Berean University.” Advocate Magazine, which held the contest, published her first article “Consider the Words of the Song”. Several years later she began writing poetry and had considerable success. She was regularly published in the first year of Faithwriters 500 e-magazine. She took some time away from writing due mainly to health issues fully supported by her loving husband Mario who is currently involved in a prison ministry while waiting for his minister’s licences to be awarded so he can become a full time evangelist.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Not Getting It!

This morning I was in a good position the see the signers. Our church has several people who take turns signing for the death. I took classes thinking I would eventually be on the rotation to sign for the services as an ASL (American Sign Language) interrupter. Unfortunately my mind could never make the leap form thought to sign anymore than I could make the transition form English to Spanish when I was studying it in High School. I understood a lot more than I could get across to someone else. In spite of all the study I invested the words were not there. I finally resigned myself to the fact I can read sign without being able to express it.

I have been working with trying to help a new Christian learn some hard concepts like the Trinity. It has been a part of my belief systems for a long time and is naturally clear to me to someone who hasn’t always heard that as a part of growing up in the church. To someone who hasn’t always heard that as part of coming up in the church it can be as alien as sign is to a hearing person. I don’t have the right words to express that either.

Words should readily be at my disposal. I had been writing since my first journal I got when I was just a teenager. My writing has evolved over the years and finally come out of the closet.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Almost But Not Quite

Today I didn’t write in my journal this morning because I missed writing yesterday morning and took the journal with me and had a wonderful time of writing while waiting at Obci. I thought I could repeat the process today with the same result. Just because something works one time doesn’t make a rule. I have been floundering between several kinds of Bible study till I ended up transcribing notes from old sermons. It seems to be working to a certain extent but I’m really not sure about it.

I’m kind of floundering with all my projects in limbo with me dabbling around the edges of so many things. I went gangbusters trying to consulate a lot of recipes that I’ve collected into one unified whole, an indexed unified whole. All my collected recipes that I had put on my computer, thank God I had printouts. Also Tonja’s cookbooks and the Keeper’s of the Home cookbook then on to the Heart Healthy Cooking Class. Not to mention all mother’s recipes. Cut and paste to the rescue.

Creative Call is still just beyond being finished I have been reading other things with one more book hanging in the limbo of the unfinished books. I don’t know what it is about me that seems to stop reading books just before they are done. Even the cookbook project to be headed the same way.


I have been working on other things besides Creative Call a lot lately. I am trying to organize my collected recipes and my mothers. My mother collected lots or recipes and cookbooks. I let most of them go when she was in a nursing home and my dad had died and I was trying to select what could be let go of and what had to be kept. Much of it had ended up in gallon ziplock bags in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet, not terribly useful for cooking. I’m over half way into the project and I’m starting to just want it over with.

I have also been doing some rather massive Bible studies with a friend. Now I’m trying to get back to my other books. I’m only one chapter away from the end of Creative Call. But as usual I have a dozen or more books started wanting me to finish them. I guess I got into having a dozen or more books going at any given time. I honestly want to finish them all but I’m stuck with a 24 hour day.

The next book I will be concentrating on I bought back in 2001 and started reading it but found it to basic. Now I am trying to help a new Christian get in touch with God. And a basic book is just the ticket. It is giving me a good excuse to finally finish one of the many books sitting in my shelf , but of course I will have to start over at the beginning to be of any use to my friend.

I will still be finishing Creative Call soon because I read it a little every week while I take my FIL to his doctors appointments that gives me about an hour’s block of time I will have to be sitting and waiting, away from doing dishes or laundry, or baking a cake I don’t need. Or even the cookbook project all things that steal the most precious commodity Time.

What I should be doing is reading all those books and many others. Or writing, I have written more than just this blog. I have been published in print on 2 continents and on the internet and there is no telling how far that goes. In the various groups I have been part of online I have met people from all over America, England, Canada, Australia, Japan, Africa, India, Russia, and I have no idea how many other places.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Different Ways of Thinking

I read more of Creative Call since last posting and it cited Ann McGee Cooper’s book Time Management for Unmanageable People. I discovered I am a divergent thinker. That is someone who solves lots of problems at once. The opposite is a convergent thinker, who needs to finish one task hen move on to the next. It was a very interesting passage tha showed me two things 1) I am a divergent thinker I accomplish things a little here and a little there with my mind working on one thing while my body works on another, All of this while my husband is an convergent thinker accomplishing one thing at a time, then moving on to the next task. 2) that is the only way our marriage would really work for us.

I am learning how to be more organized due to my marriage to Mario and he is making progress to be more spontaneous from me. I guess the farther I go in one direction the farther he will have to go in the other direction just to keep our marriage balanced. It is wonderful to get surprises from my beloved last week I caught my thumb in the car door and Mario brought me a rose because I had a bad day hurting my hand. That surprise was stepping across the line to divergent thinker and with the pain of the injury convergent thinking was all I had in me. Get dinner on the table and take something for the pain and curl up in the corner somewhere.