
Annette Agnello started writing in the tenth grade inspired by a wonderful teacher, and has been writing for publication over forty years. She started writing after she won a scholarship for a writing course from “Berean University.” Advocate Magazine, which held the contest, published her first article “Consider the Words of the Song”. Several years later she began writing poetry and had considerable success. She was regularly published in the first year of Faithwriters 500 e-magazine. She took some time away from writing due mainly to health issues fully supported by her loving husband Mario who is currently involved in a prison ministry while waiting for his minister’s licences to be awarded so he can become a full time evangelist.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Epiphany in an egg

I have been Journaling regularly each day since Creative Call suggested it and today God gave me an epiphany in an egg.

I cracked open an egg this morning and noticed the white clinging to the inside of the shell. That thin layer contains everything that the growing chick could possibly need till it is ready to emerge, moisture, nutriments, all essential fluids. It is like the inside of the human womb only more so. A human baby gets nourishment from its mother an egg is totally self contained . All the egg needs that it gets from its mother is warmth and an occasional jostle to turn. It gets no nutrients or even air from the outside but God provided everything It could need.

There is a bubble of air in each egg for the young chick to breathe on that last day on the inside of the shell. That is when starts to need things in the outside world. Face it God packed the baby chick's lunch-box with all his meals. As an egg it was on its own in the world with everything carefully thought out. There are people who doubt God, could anything but God explain the egg?


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